Monday, April 25, 2005

Origin of Life - Macros and Micros - My theory

I have been thinking about this for sometime now. I think it is right time to put my idea to the world.

Have you ever wondered about the symmetries in nature?
Good Bad, Day Night, Light Dark, Heaven Hell, Life Death.

In my previous blog I also pointed the symmetries in the scale.

At the micro level we have atoms with the nucleus in the center and electrons revolving around the nucleus in orbit.
At the macro level we have solar systems with the sun in the center and planets revolving around the sun in orbit.


The priceless question: The Origin of Life

Where did all this begin?
Who are we? Where are we? Why are we here?

More and more scientists are starting to believe that life on Earth was seeded from space, billions of years ago. Article

Theory holds that Earth was harsh, dry and barren after its formation roughly 4.5 billion years ago. Comets may have brought water that filled the oceans. And in recent years, a growing number of scientists have warmed to an idea generated in the 1960s that comets and asteroids delivered other ingredients needed to jumpstart life. Catastrophic impacts could have supplied amino acids and other organic compounds used in biology.

Many of the necessary ingredients for life's recipe have been found to exist in comets and asteroids by studying them from afar. Harder evidence has come from space rocks that fell to Earth.

Of course the church disagrees as it comes as a direct contradiction to the teachings that God created life, including humans, on planet Earth. And man did not evolve from lower form of life.

Hindu scriptures do support modern theory of evolution. Scriptures say that we were born as insects and other lower form of species and by karma and reincarnation we evolve to a higher form of life and finally end as human beings.

But I haven’t read anywhere in the few Hindu scriptures that I have read where it is mentioned that life on earth was seeded by, just say, an asteroid, or comet or meteorite.

So is it possible? Could it have happened? What is the truth?

Could life have formed by an asteroid impact on earth? An asteroid carrying the potential to create life forms on earth.

Enough of macro.
Let’s move on to micro.

How is life formed?

We all know that life is formed when a sperm fertilizes an egg.
Among the millions of sperms only few hundred manage to reach the egg. Of the few hundred sperm which reach the egg, only one will successfully fertilize it. The fertilized egg then gives a new life. A Human being.

By now you must be knowing where Iam going!

Among the millions of sperms only few hundred manage to reach the egg.
Among the millions of asteroids, meteorites, comets only few hundred manage to reach the earth.

Of the few hundred sperm which reach the egg, only one will successfully fertilize it.
Of the few hundred asteroids, meteorites, comets which reach the earth, few may have successfully fertilized (seeded) the earth.

The fertilized egg then gives a new life. A Human being.
The seeded earth then gives a new species of life. Maybe a single celled organism, may be a fish, may be humans.

Do you see the parallel?

Hey what’s going on here :)

Were different asteroids, meteorites, comets responsible for different species and different races that we have on earth?

If life on Earth was seeded from space billions of years ago, who seeded life on space?

A meteor, from space, impact on earth.

A sperm, from man, impact on egg.